Oak panel TYPES:
A (Solid) – without knots, without sapwood, may be sorted by wood structure (radial or tangent).
B (Solid) – without knots, sapwood allowed up to 30% of the surface and no more than half the thickness of the workpiece. Can be sorted by the wood structure (radial or tangent).
C (Solid) – branches up to 30 mm, filled, sapwood permitted, discolouration allowed.
A (FJ) – without knots, without sapwood, discolouration.
B (FJ) – without knots, sapwood allowed up to 30% of the surface and no more than half the thickness of the workpiece.
C (FJ) – branches up to 30 mm, filled, sapwood permitted, discolouration allowed.
Quality requirements are agreed upon with each customer
Ash panel TYPES:
A (Light) Solid – without branches, without core, light colours.
A(Dark) Solid – without knots, dark-coloured lamella (with core), without light-coloured lamella.
A (MIX) Solid – without branches, can have lamella in light and dark colours (with core).
A (Light) FJ – without branches, only with light-coloured lamella.
A (Dark) FJ – without branches, only with dark-coloured lamella (with core).
A (MIX) FJ – without branches, can have lamella in light and dark colours (with core).
B (FJ) – a few twigs are permitted up to 10 mm, small colour variations.
C (FJ) – permissible branches up to 30 mm, filled, core, colour changes possible.
Quality requirements are agreed upon with each customer
Birch panel TYPES:
A (Solid) – without branches, without core, sorted by shade.
B (Solid) – without branches, healthy core is allowed up to 20%.
C (Solid) – healthy branches up to 30 mm, black knot up to 10 mm, filled, healthy core is unlimited.
A (FJ) – without knots, without core.
B (FJ) – without branches, healthy core is allowed up to 20-30%.
C (FJ) – healthy branches up to 30 mm, black knot up to 10 mm, filled, healthy core is unlimited.
D (FJ) – healthy branches unlimited, black branches filled up to 30 mm, core is not limited.
Quality requirements are agreed upon with each customer